© Zinātne Latvijai

From June 27 to 29, 2023, the V World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Science for Latvia" took place, in which many outstanding Latvian scientists participated, including LTI members Dr. Andrejs Vasiļjevs and Dr. philol. Sanita Reinsone. On June 29, they took part in the panel discussion "The potential of digital technologies in popularizing Latvian culture", talking about natural language processing.

During the panel discussion, not only the importance of language technologies was discussed, but also LT news, as well as opportunities to get involved in the development and preservation of Latvian culture.

"If small languages can use digital technologies to become strong and powerful in the digital environment - it will be a powerful weapon for their survival." (Andrejs Vasiļjevs).

The panel discussion can still be watched on the Facebook and YouTube accounts of the World Congress of Latvian Scientists.

This year was the 5th time the "Science for Latvia" event took place. Its task is to gather together scientists to popularize, remember and discuss Latvian science. We are very glad that our outstanding scientists could also be a part of this wonderful event!


The Language Technology Initiative is funded by the European Union and the National Development Plan.


